
maddy | enfj| hufflepuff | cheese demolisher

This corner of the internet is where I rage at the Four Literary Horsemen of the Bookocalypse: poor world building, sloppy editing, 2D characters, and misogyny. Sometimes I even LIKE books, so I review them too because #bookequality.

I also blog about procrasti-writing. Procrasti-writing is like writing, except 90% procrastinating. You can read one of my short stories here.

Things which make me happy include my pet ducks, and salted butter popcorn (because toffee popcorn = death). I want to read more books, but I spend hours reading Goodreads blurbs instead. I’m trying to go vegan, but also cheese is literally life?? I want to explore the world, but I also want to take over the world. Decisions?!

My life goals include to someday get a novel published, speak four languages, and pull Tom Hiddleston on the dance floor (may as well aim high I guess). I’m currently based on the North East coast of England. Have fun reading, and I hope to hear from you!

fave dinosaur: parasaurolophus || mood: cheerfully furious

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